In the world of architectural design, the choice between an exterior trellis system and a naturally grown exterior facade is a common debate. While both options have their merits, there are several compelling reasons why an exterior trellis system may be the superior choice.
Preservation of Building Integrity
Naturally grown facades, consisting of climbing plants, can indeed provide a charming and organic appearance to a building. However, over time, these plants tend to take a toll on the building’s structural integrity. Roots can infiltrate cracks and crevices, leading to damage that requires expensive repairs and often the removal of the climbing plant structure. On the other hand, exterior trellis systems offer the same beauty without the risk of deterioration. They act as a protective shield, preventing plants from directly adhering to the building and safeguarding its structural integrity.
Tailored and Customized Design
An exterior trellis system allows architects and designers to have precise control over the visual aspects of the facade. Whether you desire a uniform, symmetrical appearance or a specific geometric pattern, a trellis system can be tailored to your exact specifications. In contrast, naturally grown facades are subject to the whims of nature and may not always achieve the desired aesthetic.

Rapid Growth and Establishment
Another important benefit of trellis systems is that they can be installed with semi-mature climbing plants, offering a more immediate transformation of the building’s appearance. In contrast, naturally grown facades take more time to establish themselves and grow up the vertical structure, often requiring several years to achieve the lush greenery and coverage desired.
Low Maintenance
While most outdoor facades are relatively low maintenance green infrastructure installations, a trellis system presents itself as the more low maintenance of the two options. Maintaining a trellis system facade is often more straightforward than managing a naturally grown facade as you can easily access and prune the plants, ensuring they remain healthy and attractive. In contrast, naturally grown facades can require more extensive maintenance, as overgrowth, pests, and disease can be harder to control.

Design Flexibility
Beyond the design and aesthetic control, facades grown on trellis systems offer design flexibility that can be challenging to achieve with naturally grown facades. The trellis system allows you to experiment with different plant species, colors, and textures to create a unique and dynamic facade design. Trellises also allow for easy plant replacement or reconfiguration, which is much more challenging with naturally grown facades.
Adaptability to Local Conditions
Lastly, but still crucial in a decision is the durability and adaptability to specific climate conditions. Trellis systems can be designed to suit specific environmental conditions, such as sun exposure and wind patterns. This adaptability allows for better plant health and resilience in challenging climates. Naturally grown facades cannot thrive in just any environment – it can be a constant battle to get your facade to mature in particularly harsh climates.
While a naturally grown exterior facade can be a beautiful and ecologically friendly choice, it’s important to recognize that the exterior trellis system offers many practical advantages in terms of aesthetics, maintenance, and longevity. The ability to control the design, ensure rapid establishment, and optimize plant health makes a trellis systems a smart investment for those seeking a striking, low-maintenance exterior green solution.