Improving Air Quality with Respira Living Wall Technology

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Modular And Scalable

Improved Energy Efficiency

Low Maintenance

Integrated Signange

Integrated Lighting


Active biofilters and traditional living wall systems are two distinct approaches to green walls. A biofilter living wall is an active system, designed to primarily focus on air purification and environmental sustainability. In contrast, passive living walls serve as an aesthetic feature. Both types of living walls can enhance indoor spaces with natural beauty and contribute to an improved sense of wellbeing for occupants.

Our Turnkey Solution


Through in-depth conversations and a keen understanding of our client’s unique needs, our team will create a customized living wall design using the living wall system that is best suited for our client’s vision and requirements.


Our team is adept at the installation of various living wall systems, whether it’s retrofitting an existing space or installing a brand-new living wall system. With professionalism and efficiency as our guiding principles, we ensure that the installation process is seamless for our clients.


Our team offers a comprehensive living wall maintenance program, designed to preserve the beauty and vitality of your living wall. With flexible scheduling and regular visits, our dedicated team ensures that your living wall remains a thriving addition to your space.

Measure & Report

We offer a data-driven approach to sustainability by measuring and reporting on indoor air quality, energy consumption, and the overall health of indoor environments before and after installation. This analysis provides clients with tangible evidence of the positive impact of their green design.


University of Guelph Humber

The plant wall is an integral part of our campus because it represents what the University of Guelph Humber is all about. You’re not walking into a school, you’re walking into a place you want to be, with teachers and friends.”

– Ashna Narumathan, Student, Humber College

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Single Pass Removal Rate of Tested VOCs


Higher job satisfaction in biophilic-designed spaces


Reduction in ventilation requirements


Single Pass Removal Rate of Tested VOCs

Higher job satisfaction in biophilic-designed spaces


Reduction in ventilation requirements


We also offer ready-to-install living wall systems, allowing clients to streamline the installation process and choose between active, passive or even double-sided living walls. Available in two pre-set sizes – 6.5’ x 7.5’ and 6.5′ x 9.5′ – these systems offer an option for integrated lighting to ensure the long-term health of the plants. Despite their smaller size, these biofilters employ the same advanced technology as our larger customized designs, effectively removing up to 97% of airborne toxins.