Pioneering Sustainability in Real Estate

Pioneering Sustainability in Real Estate

Starlight Investments, a globally-leading real estate asset manager, has consistently demonstrated a commitment to the convergence of innovation and sustainability within the real estate industry....

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City of Toronto – Green Roof By-Laws

City of Toronto – Green Roof By-Laws

Toronto's skyline is getting greener, thanks to a bylaw that mandates green roofs on many new buildings. But what exactly is this bylaw, and why is it such a big deal?  Implemented in 2009,...

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A Guide to Interior Green Design

A Guide to Interior Green Design

When envisioning a green, vibrant interior, many people immediately think of potted plants. While these can add a refreshing touch to any space, relying solely on potted plants has its limitations....

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Supplemental Lighting for Living Walls

Supplemental Lighting for Living Walls

Living walls are a stunning way to bring nature indoors, but providing adequate natural lighting for healthy plant growth can be a challenge. That’s where supplemental lighting, specifically grow...

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Best Plants For Your Green Facade

Best Plants For Your Green Facade

Enhancing the exterior of buildings with green facades has become a popular trend in urban design, and for good reason. These living walls not only beautify the environment but also offer a range of...

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