Pioneering Sustainability in Real Estate

Pioneering Sustainability in Real Estate

Starlight Investments, a globally-leading real estate asset manager, has consistently demonstrated a commitment to the convergence of innovation and sustainability within the real estate industry....

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Investing In Sustainability

Investing In Sustainability

In a world marked by the urgency of climate change and the pursuit of sustainable development, investments in sustainable architecture have become a key component of positive environmental change....

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City of Toronto – Green Roof By-Laws

City of Toronto – Green Roof By-Laws

Toronto's skyline is getting greener, thanks to a bylaw that mandates green roofs on many new buildings. But what exactly is this bylaw, and why is it such a big deal?  Implemented in 2009,...

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A Guide to Interior Green Design

A Guide to Interior Green Design

When envisioning a green, vibrant interior, many people immediately think of potted plants. While these can add a refreshing touch to any space, relying solely on potted plants has its limitations....

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Supplemental Lighting for Living Walls

Supplemental Lighting for Living Walls

Living walls are a stunning way to bring nature indoors, but providing adequate natural lighting for healthy plant growth can be a challenge. That’s where supplemental lighting, specifically grow...

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Best Plants For Your Green Facade

Best Plants For Your Green Facade

Enhancing the exterior of buildings with green facades has become a popular trend in urban design, and for good reason. These living walls not only beautify the environment but also offer a range of...

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How Green Design Enhances Every Space

How Green Design Enhances Every Space

The concept of green design is no longer limited to parks and gardens. It's a powerful tool that can transform any space, fostering a connection with nature even within the interiors of our...

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5 Benefits of Having A Green Roof

5 Benefits of Having A Green Roof

In the bustling concrete jungles of today's cities, green roofs are emerging as a beacon of hope, offering a multitude of benefits for both the environment and the people who inhabit these urban...

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Five Benefits of Outdoor Green Facades

Five Benefits of Outdoor Green Facades

Exterior green facades have gained popularity in urban environments for their myriad of benefits. These lush, living installations offer more than just aesthetic appeal for a building; they play a...

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How To Improve Your Office Space

How To Improve Your Office Space

Over the last few years, there has been a growing trend in office spaces to incorporate plants into the design and decor. And for good reason – having plants indoors has numerous benefits for the...

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What Is A Biofilter Living Wall?

What Is A Biofilter Living Wall?

More and more often we are seeing building developers and architects prioritize aesthetics and functionality in equal measure. The emergence of the biofilter living wall (BLWs) perfectly reflects...

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