City of Toronto – Green Roof By-Laws

City of Toronto – Green Roof By-Laws

Toronto’s skyline is getting greener, thanks to the Toronto Green Roof bylaw which mandates green roofs on many new buildings. But what exactly is this bylaw, and why is it such a big deal?  Implemented in 2009, Toronto’s Green Roof Bylaw was the first of...
A Guide to Interior Green Design

A Guide to Interior Green Design

When envisioning a green, vibrant interior, many people immediately think of potted plants. While these can add a refreshing touch to any space, relying solely on potted plants has its limitations. Potted plants can take up valuable floor space that might otherwise be...
Supplemental Lighting for Living Walls

Supplemental Lighting for Living Walls

Living walls are a stunning way to bring nature indoors, but providing adequate natural lighting for healthy plant growth can be a challenge. That’s where supplemental lighting, specifically grow lights, come in. Around 70% of our interior living wall projects have...